First things first, tell me this is not THE most adorable thing you have ever seen in your entire life. This comes courtesy of Karen Rogers, and the pugs in the photo are near and dear to quite a few people, including Cathy herself. Gretel was the girl that got Luna Pugs started, and Karen was lucky enough to get to adopt her. Karen also has the ever so cute Polly Pug - who was a rescue through SPR. I am especially loving miss Polly in this picture, and she spent some of her recovery time at our house. Apparently what Polly REALLY wanted her sign to say was, "Kick cancer's ass!", but a true lady can't wear such signs.
Seeing as it is a Monday, we didn't spend too much time with the pugs today. It has been over 85 the past two days and that most definitely slows them down. I have currently been living at the Taylor Moore house for 8 days, and I have learned one definite thing.
Pugs suffer from mental disorders.
I work in the medical field (certified medical billing specialist), and I actually do billing for quite a few mental health specialists. I have also always wanted to work in a mental hospital, because crazy people are absolutely fascinating.
When I say that pugs suffer from mental disorders, I am not entirely sure that these pugs are truly suffering. Cathy's pugs seem to actually enjoy their insanity. Just when you think that you know the ins and outs of each pugs personality, they turn things upside down 100%. For example - Kahuna has been ON one lately. I wish I could describe the complete flip he has experienced, but it is unbelievable.
The Kahuna that I have always loved and had the chance to get to know over the past few years is the King of Laziness. I fell in love with his gorgeous face the second I saw him, and as he was being specialed I always had to visit his crate and give him lots of lovin's outside of the ring. He would be only barely awake when the National Anthem was playing, and by the time the 6-9 Puppy Boy class was up he was zonked out. Someone was frequently having to wake him up for his turn in the Winner's Circle, and all he had to do was stand up, shake off, and he was good to go.
Here at home Kahuna is still quite the same. He would rather be in his crate than out with the other pugs, very similar to his sister Hula. Some time last week Kahuna got this weird bug up his butt, we will call it Bipolar Disorder, or P.I.T.A.S.(Pain In The Ass Syndrome), and decided that he wanted to eat in the kitchen with Louis and Mac. I had to chase him under a desk, where he promptly rolled on to his back expecting a belly rub. I finally managed to get him in his crate, and he barked at me the entire time I made his dinner! Tonight I finally got all of the pugs put into crates, and I realized that Kahuna's crate was empty. A quick glance around the pug room proves to me that he is for sure not in here - a quick glance outside provides the reassurance that he was indeed inside... Then moments later he comes out of the shadows, inside of Cow Pug's crate, getting ready to take a nap! For those curious, I did manage to snap a picture of this, and it will go up with an oncoming blog post, so keep an eye out for it. :)
Peanut also went through quite the disorder herself today. As mentioned in an earlier post, once Peanut is done eating she expects to be let out of her crate A.S.A.P. As soon as her door opens you better damn well be ready, as she will launch herself directly out of her third story high-rise at your face. Today was a different story - Peanut stood inside of her crate and stared at Aron, then stepped onto the ledge of the crate below hers and looked at the ground, then back up at Aron. It was almost as though for the first time in Peanut's life she realized, "That is a loonnnggg ways down.", and was hesitant to jump. We tried closing the door and opening it again, but it did absolutely nothing to change her mind... In the end I ended up pulling her out, giving her a hug and a reassuring kiss, then set her on the floor so that she could hoover away.
Here is to hoping that tomorrow is a more pug - friendly day. Right now I just want to shut myself in the hole that I have been calling a bedroom and PASS OUT. Another big thanks to Karen Rogers, who let me know that even if Cathy was 100% better she would still want me living here in the house so I could tell more stories about "The Secret Life of Pugs", haha. I appreciate all of the compliments I have received, but in all honesty writing about pugs is the easiest thing in the World!
I know Cathy will enjoy all the stories of her pugs for I am enjoying them from afar. I have the pleasure of having Jazz here at my home to love and have fun with in the show ring. He is a clown just like Cathy's other furbabies.
ReplyDeleteCathy we have you in our thoughts and prayers girlfriend...I know this is a hard time for you all. Danny sends you kisses and hugs and told me to tell you to fight fight fight and stay strong....
Jim, Teresa, Danny
and of coarse Jazz
By the way, this photo looks like it does because it was the closest I could come to getting them to look anywhere near the camera at anything like the same time.
ReplyDeletePolly insisted on smelling Gretel's breath, even though I assured her it's the same stinky breath it always is. Of course, since they're both basically deaf at this point, they listen to me even less than they ever did before.
Alecia, I'd be willing to bet that you could put all your Pug stories together and some dog mag would jump at the chance to publish.. As someone in love with language, I have to say you have a wonderful ability to create word pictures :)
ReplyDeleteI am, however, waiting for more Louis stories as I have his black clone son here, fondly known as "Smush"..
Karen, this is a great picture and please give those girls a big kiss for me! That Polly will always have a piece of my heart.
ReplyDeleteAlecia, everyone is right. You have quite the way of writing about so we can see all of these antics!!