Tuesday, July 20, 2010

After the Surgery

They performed the surgery which was an aggressive hysterectomy and had found the cancer has spread even more since last week. It is now involving not only the muscle tissue surrounding the area but has wrapped itself around the surrounding lymph nodes as well. They will start Chemo today or tomorrow to try and slow it's progression. Please keep Kim and Cathy both in your thoughts. Even though this isn't the news we were hoping for, we know Cathy is such a fighter and will give this her all. I will be visiting with her for a few times today and I will share her notes with her today which I will know she will enjoy.


  1. Hey Cathy. Hunter and I both send our love. We sat up most of the night so we could send you and Kim our thoughts and prayers during the surgery. Hunter cracks me up. Of course, he screams bloody murder when it's time to go outside and has to be the first out of his crate. He and Smoke & BV are such a little family unit -- although, he & Smoke are best pals. He always shadows her in the yard, sits by her, follows her around. Be well my friend. Diana, thank you for the updates. Kim, hang in there.

  2. Cathy,

    The first thing I did when my alarm went off this morning was run to my computer to see how the surgery went. You are on mind and in my prayers very much. Sending you and Kim much love, support, and prayers now. You are not alone - God is walking with you through this, as are the many friends who love you.

    We are fighting with you amazing lady!

    Sending you a BIG HUG now!



  3. Cathy,
    I was hoping for better news for you, but I know you are a fighter and you will beat this horrible thing. My prayers are with you and Kim. Be strong and know that we all love you very much. It's so nice that Diana has has set up this blog. It felt like an eternity last night waiting for news. I was up several times through out the night checking for info. ((((Puggie Huggies to you))))

  4. Oh Cathy this sucks! I hope they are at least giving you good drugs while you are there, don't let Diana hog them all. I brushed out all the pug's this morning and am in the process of making a nice wig or two for you right now should you need them. The blond one is going to be much longer then the black one but at least you will have options should you need them. You can still drink when you are on chemo right? How is the food there? Let me know if you need me to smuggle in any Chinese food, I am hear for you!
    Pugs N Kisses,

  5. Hey Cathy, I sure hop you are feeling Ok, I can't wait until you get home so I can call you! Everything's good over here, the boy's are getting bigger everyday, growing like weeds, eating like machines!!!!

    Now Diana, here is the recipe for that wonderful drink (Maybe you can smuggle it in for Cathy)
    You will need a bottle of coconut rum and a jug of OJ, and a bottle of 7up
    1 shot of rum, 1 shot of OJ, lots of ice, and top it up with 7up! YUM!
    Cathy, if Diana doesn't smuggle this in for you let me know asap and I will boarder jump and bring it! HA HA HA!!!!! Love you Cathy! <3

  6. Cathy - Gretel, Polly, Andrew and I are sending you our most fervent prayers for health and healing. You've got to beat this thing, because the pugs of the world need you!

    Please advise on Shelley's comments about re: wigs. We (and by that, I really mean Gretel) can and will contribute to this important undertaking if need be. I will simply ship the contents of my vacuum bag.

    Hugs and kisses to you and Kim and all the furkids. We are with you in spirit from the East Coast.

    xo, Karen

  7. Hi Cathy,

    Just pausing in my day to let you know that I'm thinking of you and sending you lots of love friend. Please let me know if you or Kim need anything. I'm here for you 24/7.

    Keep hanging.


  8. Hi Cathy..I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I will keep you in my prayers until all this is behind you. Get well soon <3

  9. Hey Cathy - stay positive cuz I'm positive you're going to beat this! Merlin sends his puggy love to his grandma and will be dedicating his Portland performance (which will probably be silly) to you. Love ya! Stay strong!!


  10. Hunter and I have posted your story on my FB pages. Many friends and acquaintances have sent their thots and prayers to add to ours, including a number of breast and ovarian cancer survivors. Meanwhile, Louis' BIS pix is my profile pix until you get out of the hospital!!! (Better hurry, people will get sick of looking at me sweat!!)

  11. Hang in there Cathy. We are thinking about you constantly!

    The Stanfields

  12. Hey Cathy! I had a dream that you were running around the ring with your IV and oxygen tank! AND.....you won!

    Peter and I think of you always. We send our love and support in whatever way you need it. I am so glad that Diana set up this blog so we could all support you especially at this time. Many, many hugs my friend, I'm looking forward to hearing your laugh soon.

  13. Watching Daily to see how you are doing as you are in our prayers every morning and evening at our dinner. Our son Wyatt says to tell you he prays for you too by himself..We are a family waiting for our beautiful family member we will be calling Lil' Ryder that Diane is keeping to finish for us. I am in WV. I want you to know I am sending love and prayers. MALABU RUM AND PINEAPPLE JUICE OR ORANGE JUICE WITH 7 UP IS GREAT TOOO (LOL)
