The last time that I stayed at Cathy's house was in December of 2008. Some of you may remember Cathy and Kim departing to the shows in California while I stayed at their house to undertake what I thought was a big challenge - 12 pugs for 12 days.
I was in for quite the surprise when I arrived at the house on Sunday to find a few more than 12 pugs, a french bulldog, and two little puglets. To top off this lovely bunch of dogs I ended up with my own frenchie, Dot. She can hardly stand to be without me, and any person who has ever been to Cathy's house knows that all pug and pug friends are welcome and that they will thoroughly enjoy their stay.
In a home where people breed and show dogs there are 3 different classifications - the puppies you sell, the dogs you keep to show then retire and place or sell to another show home, and the permanent fixtures. Our dear friend Cathy has quite a few permanent fixtures, as I am sure most of you know.
My favorite pug of Cathy's has got to be Louis. Imagine the biggest most squishiest loveable pug you can, and that is Louis. He has a head to die for, wrinkles for days, and a temperament that demands love and devotion. I was thrilled to see Mac and Claire - they may as well be twins they are so similar. The lovely Miss Island Girl, who has stayed at our house and is probably the easiest keeper of them all. Crackheaded Peanut, who as Kim put it "is determind that the enemy is above her", and the always lazy but loving Cow Pug and CeeCee.
Kim enjoyed telling me some of the true characteristics of each pug on Sunday night. Peanut will get a drink of water, walk a foot away, go back for more water, leave, turn back to drink, etc until she is finally satisfied. Kim told me, "Peanut drinks a lot, and Peanut pees a lot." Kahuna is a messy eater, which means Peanut gets to play vaccuum and clean up the kibbles. Island Girl(Hula for short) looovveess to be in her crate. She actually seems to need crate time - and at least five of their pugs will put themselves into crates. Zac Attack has to eat and come out right away - anyone who has stood ringside knows that Zac loves his momma and they can never be apart.
If there is one thing that I have learned growing up around pugs it is that once you have a couple, a couple more is no big deal. Once you break that line of 3 pugs any outsider will tell you, "Wow, that's a lot of pugs." A few people have asked me how in the World I can handle this many pugs, and to be honest it is quite simple. Each and every one of Kim and Cathy's pugs is trained - they pee outside, they know when to eat, when to sleep, and when it should be time for them to be out. There are a few that are out of crates all the time, and those pugs know they shouldn't be put away - they let me know too! Poor Aron can't tell these pugs apart to save her life, but in the three days I have been here I can name each one, and even without crate tags I could put them where they belong.
Miss Cypress was picked up yesterday - she is being shown in Portland. If anyone is going to Portland be sure to cheer for your own pug, but for Cathy's as well!
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What a great description Eish!! You did a wonderful hob on this and I can hear Kim and Cathy laughing at this now!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!!!! ha ha, I bet I know one of the pugs that never gets crated! Mr. Macaroon!!! LOL When he was here staying with us I had the best laugh ever! It was time to feed the pugs and I thought I had a pretty good feeding set up, I had two x pens set up into 4 squares, each puggy would go into a square for eating time! So anyways, Mac's first night here I got his dinner ready along with everyone elses, got everyone into their squares and ready for dinner. Mac had this look on his face, a look I just can't describe, I placed his food in front of him, he looked at it, gave it a sniff, looked at me, then looked at Chance (who was chowing down) then looked back at me, he then let out this loud disapproving sigh. So I left the dining room so they could eat, As soon as I got just out of sight I head this noise, a noise I've never heard before.... It started as a bubbling, popping, grunt that erupted into this yell. Shane, (my hubby) flew up off the couch in kinda a panic! He got up so fast and came running saying "What the heck is that noise" It was Mac, Mac was letting us know that he did NOT like the dinner set up. So out he came.... Cathy and Kim, Mac is a diva! Not only did he not like the eating set up, he didn't like my food bowls!!!! HA HA HA, he had to eat out of our human bowls, and even then he didn't like them either, he would dump the bowl upside down and flick the bowl across the dining room, look at me as if to say "I rather eat off the floor thank you". I have never had so many laughs in my life!!! We had so much fun with him here. Aside from his eating antics he was a complete gentleman, he had wonderful house manners, he just fit right in, he'd plop up on the couch with us every night, and sleep with us every night!
ReplyDeleteNow we have our own mini Macaroon, (Tango) who is a spitting image of his Daddy, not only that but he's just like Mac in everything he does! I think they even think the same, it's so funny!
Cathy, last night Shane, the kids and I took the boy's (Solo and Tango) for a walk, we went up to my daughters school to play in the park. Now get this, you would have laughed so hard. Shane was running around the field and Solo was chasing him around and around yelling at him, it was hilarious!!! Shane almost tripped and fell because he was laughing so hard! I have a feeling Solo is going to be one of those pugs that yells at the pug in front of him for moving to fast in the show ring! I can just see it now! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! October can't come fast enough!!!! Anywhoo, I hope this brings you a smile! Love you Lots Cathy and Kim! Pug Hugs and Pug Kisses to you both! <3 Jen!
Mac and Louis actually don't have crates. :) They eat in the kitchen, and they know it! Mac loves to demand attention - and if you give attention to any of the other pugs he comes running over for loves too.
ReplyDeleteI love hearing these stories. From what I've heard of other junior Mac's they are also demanding and mouthy. Of course my Rocky is the perfect gentleman. :-)