Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Check Up

Cathy went today for a Check up and her schedule of treatments. I am glad to say all went well and she is right on schedule. The only trouble right now is that today's trip was really exhausting for her. She is still recovering from the surgery and chemo so it is understandable. She so appreciates all the wonderful flowers, gifts and notes she has received. She has a whole world of support which is really appreciated and heart felt. i will write more in a few days, but for now Cathy is enjoying some quiet time, and rest which is so important for her right now.



  1. Thank you so much for doing this blog Diana, and for all of the updates. I'm glad to hear things are going as planned and that Cathy is doing okay.

    "Look up and you'll see the sun - even if it's hiding behind the coulds"

    Much Love,


  2. Thank you for the message and please tell Cathy I sent her new pictures by e-mail of Jazz..he is looking good. Cathy we love you and have you in our thoughts and prayers always.


  3. Thanks for the update and how wonderful that it was such good news. Thanks to all of her nearby friends who are helping out so that she can get the rest she needs.

    As always, apply pugs for maximum healing!

  4. Hang in there Cathy! Get your rest and keep the faith. Love ya :-)


  5. Cathy & Kim,

    So nice to hear some good news! Thinking about you always. Please let me know if you need to me to come and bathe the pugs again! Or anything you might need done! :-)

    Love ya,
