Monday, August 16, 2010

Living in Pug Heaven - It's hot as h*ll outside!!!

We're bbaaaaacckkkk!!

I know a few of you have been on the edge of your seats awaiting the return of Living in Pug Heaven, and the time is finally here! Aron arrived at the Taylor Moore house around 430 this afternoon, while I took my sweet time packing and getting Miss Dot. I arrived around 9:45 and was greeted by the entire gang, each and every one excited to lick my toes.

After dropping Dot off and bringing my things inside I felt inclined to go say hello to all of my pugs. I kneeled down and promptly got knocked back into the counter after being bum-rushed by no less than 15 pugs. Lara begged to be picked up, repeatedly launching herself up my leg. Claire stood at my side and licked my leg, Cypress jumped and nipped at my fingers, and Mac rubbed himself against my leg in a cat-like fashion. In all honesty, I think I was more excited to see them then they were to see me! I wanted to hold each one and give them attention.

I spent some quality cuddle time with the fabulous Hula and shared a few snuggles with Peanut. Shortly after I arrived it was time to feed the pugs and boy were they ready! Tomorrow we will be going to a BBQ and who knows what is in store for the remainder of the week! For now, I am all pugged out and ready to crash.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. This must have been a site Alecia :)!!

  2. If I didn't know that Gretel was here in Connecticut with me, I would have sworn that was her in your photo. She has no shame when it comes to helping to clean the dishes as we load them into the dishwasher. A couple of times, she's even been up there with ALL FOUR PAWS!

    Hugs to Cathy and Kim. We are thinking of you as you go through round #2.

  3. That is my main man, Louis! He did climb into the dishwasher. :)
