I will be providing updates on our friend Cathy's brave journey and battle with Cancer. I know she will win! Please share your well wish's for her on here. She can check these when she can and I will be making a notebook for her as well for when she isn't up to reading them. We have enjoyed traveling and having many adventures with our pugs to the shows and even Argentina! Here she is showing her pug Zac Attack at the show the weekend before her big surgery which was Monday July 19th, 2010.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Living in Pug Heaven - A Quick Trip Around the Block
Walking into the Taylor Moore house was almost depressing - I remember just a few short months ago being greeted by a mob of no less than 18 pugs, wondering to myself if I really had what it takes to do the work of two people on my own. Today when I arrived I was greeted by only 7 pugs. What was once a mob has dwindled down to the smallest group - the show dogs went back to the people they are co-owned with, Wahini is with Sue, Kahuna at my house... There are also a few adults that are either at my house or have been placed in new homes.
Anyone who has ever visited the Taylor Moore house knows how noisy it can be - a giant roar of pug whines, barks, and grunts has turned into a rolling lull. It almost makes me miss the chaos.
Feeding them all was a breeze - with only 5 to put into crates and the two to feed in the kitchen. Washing dog dishes took less than five minutes(it took me longer to unload the dishwasher).
I am not sure how long I will be here for - however long it takes for Kim to get better it seems. I hope it will at least be for a few days - I would love to get some things taken care of to help them out.
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Friday, September 24, 2010
Good news and then some not so good news.

Please continue to keep Cathy in your thoughts and prayers. She loves the notes and cards she has been getting to. Her and Kim are spending a few quiet days away from home to themselves right now and Alecia and Aron are up watching the pugs.
I will write more as we learn more. Also, I have 3 retired bitches of Kim and Cathy's to place in great homes if you know of any awesome people looking for adult pugs. They are 3, 4 and 5 years of age and Spayed, UTD on vaccinations and housebroken. i will have them here and do the placements from here as well.
If you would like to send a note or Card to Cathy here is the address again:
Cathy Moore
11637 NE 112th Street
Kirkland, WA 98033
Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts and for all that so many of you have done.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Living in Pug Heaven - Sticks and Stones
All 17 pugs here in Pug Heaven are doing just fabulous! Vanilla Bean has started to eat again, which is fantastic! In previous stays she had been quite picky and getting her to eat was like trying to get a pug to move off the couch. Sir Claude the great is still off at the dog shows, seeing the nothingness that is Montana.
Sunday my mom and I made a trip up to the Norton's (that is a vet clinic, for those of you who don't know), and decided we wanted to see Cathy as she got home from Wenatchee. My mom suggested we go to Shari's for coffee seeing as how Kim and Cathy were an hour out, and I decided I would rather take the time to mop Cathy's floor! All of the dogs were with them, which made it a breeze. A clean floor, 3 pug puppies, a pizza, and some cookie dough later, mom and I finally left. Today's picture and blog title were inspired by the letter Z, for Zac Attack. The one pug responsible for the 10 pinecones and 3 rocks under the couch. Here he is eating a stick!
We will be here through the weekend, where I plan to undertake some other projects. Updates to come!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Living in Pug Heaven - "And you have to eat this!"
Cathy is going back in for chemo tomorrow, so Aron and I made it here just in time for dinner! Kim was more than willing to let me take over the feeding ritual, despite having just walked in the door.
I should be able to do a bit more blogging this week, as I don't believe there is anything special going on such as a BBQ or our Summer's biggest local show. This weekend, of course, is the Puyallup Fair! I will be volunteering on Saturday and Sunday night in the Pug booth for SPR.
Having been here for only two hours or less, I have learned two amazing facts about our younger pups... Alexander is turning out just like his mother, Peanut. When he is done eating he just bails out of his crate like he has nothing to lose. The only downside to this is that his crate is not a Third Story High-Rise, but a Second Level Sequester... And try to catch a little launching pug is like trying to catch a greased pig.
Kim also told me that Vera is talented enough to poop IN her food dish.
What a fantastic week we have ahead of us!
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Living in Pug Heaven - Puggy Profile #1, Wicked Wahini
Tonight I didn't get much time to be at the house, Kim took Aron and I to the Whidbey Island Kennel Club picnic, where we were treated with fantastic food and general dog show politics. Once we got home I had a few minutes to relax, then it was on to feeding and facebook time!
Those of you who are my friend on Facebook may understand why tonight's post is about Wahini - for those of you that aren't, you will soon find out.
I've heard from numerous people that you always want to be careful of what you name your pug. Many times a pug will grow into the persona that it's name puts out, much like my mother's little pug, Trouble. Wicked Wahini is certainly no exception to this rule.
Wahini is the one and only black pug in the Luna Pug gang. She is arch nemesis to Peanut, and she enjoys running away when you try and pick her up.
I remember a few years back hearing Cathy tell people about how Wahini had jumped into the refrigerator, and was unknowingly locked inside for a short period of time. She has also jumped into the dryer, though she never went for a tumble.
When she was younger she had come to visit our house a few times, where Blake gave her the nickname of Swahili, simply because he couldn't remember the name Wahini.
Tonight, after the pugs had eaten, I realized that Wahini was on the couch, growling at any pugs that came near. As I moved closer I realized it was food aggression - but I had no idea what there was to be aggressive over... Moments later I noticed something long and feathery hanging out of Wahini's mouth.
I think Wahini ate a bird.
I can't imagine what else would be small, black, and easily torn apart by a viscous fridge-jumping pug. I stared in disgust as she held feathers under her paw and ripped away whatever was at the other end, like a homeless man with a chicken thigh. I couldn't fathom getting close enough to see what exactly it was, but Wahini was very proud of her catch.
I told Kim to keep an eye on her so that we can make sure she doesn't get sick. I'm not sure what a bird would do to the intestinal tract of a pug.
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Second Round!

Cathy's second round of her 3 day Chemo has started today and she had to be admitted for it because it is pretty intense. She is doing well, but really tires easily. They found her oxygen level also isn't up so that may be contributing to it as well. It looks like she will miss the Specialty unfortunately, but she knows she has to do this. Hopefully we can pick her up later Friday afternoon and bring her back to Enumclaw so she can watch some of the shows.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Living in Pug Heaven - It's hot as h*ll outside!!!
I know a few of you have been on the edge of your seats awaiting the return of Living in Pug Heaven, and the time is finally here! Aron arrived at the Taylor Moore house around 430 this afternoon, while I took my sweet time packing and getting Miss Dot. I arrived around 9:45 and was greeted by the entire gang, each and every one excited to lick my toes.
After dropping Dot off and bringing my things inside I felt inclined to go say hello to all of my pugs. I kneeled down and promptly got knocked back into the counter after being bum-rushed by no less than 15 pugs. Lara begged to be picked up, repeatedly launching herself up my leg. Claire stood at my side and licked my leg, Cypress jumped and nipped at my fingers, and Mac rubbed himself against my leg in a cat-like fashion. In all honesty, I think I was more excited to see them then they were to see me! I wanted to hold each one and give them attention.
I spent some quality cuddle time with the fabulous Hula and shared a few snuggles with Peanut. Shortly after I arrived it was time to feed the pugs and boy were they ready! Tomorrow we will be going to a BBQ and who knows what is in store for the remainder of the week! For now, I am all pugged out and ready to crash.
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Saturday, August 7, 2010
In between treatments

Cathy and I had a wonderful visit and our friend Julie Mayer spent part of the time with us as well. We attended the Garage Sale benefiting our Pug Rescue for a bit and then left as Cathy still tires a bit easy. I brought her some Paisley scarves in different colors which we had a lot of fun with and also dug out some wonderful knit hats she has which was perfect timing as she just started losing a few strands of hair today. Sue McCluskey and Pat Putman drove over and had a brief visit with her as well. It was good to see Cathy enjoying her company, but we all realized she was tired and needed to rest a bit. Thanks to all of the wonderful friends she has for all of the notes,cards and gifts of support! It has been incredible!
Kim is doing a marvelous job taking very good care of everything and the pugs. He is getting Cathy all set up with her own Laptop for in the room as well!