Friday, September 24, 2010

Good news and then some not so good news.

When I set out to start writing in the blog I found that it is much tougher to do these things when you sit down to do it. It starts to really hit home what is going on as you write it out. This past Sunday I had a wonderful one on one visit with Cathy. The Chemo has really been taking it out of her and she was exhausted so we just laid in her bed and had a few giggle's and then some tears as we talked about how things are going for her. She had a CT Scan this last week as it was her mid Chemo treatment and we were anxious to hear the results. Unfortunately the news is not at all what we had hoped for. The good news is that they feel this Chemo has slowed how fast this Cancer is growing, the bad news is it is still progressing. As you can imagine this has been taken pretty hard. They are going to start a new Chemo treatment this next Tuesday for 3 treatments. It will be only a One day treatment instead of 3 long days in the hospital which will hopefully be easier on Cathy as well.
Please continue to keep Cathy in your thoughts and prayers. She loves the notes and cards she has been getting to. Her and Kim are spending a few quiet days away from home to themselves right now and Alecia and Aron are up watching the pugs.
I will write more as we learn more. Also, I have 3 retired bitches of Kim and Cathy's to place in great homes if you know of any awesome people looking for adult pugs. They are 3, 4 and 5 years of age and Spayed, UTD on vaccinations and housebroken. i will have them here and do the placements from here as well.
If you would like to send a note or Card to Cathy here is the address again:
Cathy Moore
11637 NE 112th Street
Kirkland, WA 98033
Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts and for all that so many of you have done.


  1. Thanx Diana! I am speechless, I had hoped the news would be better too. Great picture of you two with those smiles. Hopefully I will get to visit Cathy while I'm there. Thanx again for the updates. ((((Huggies)))


  2. Hi Cathy, I read about this blog on Diana Hedstrom's facebook page and wanted to say hello. First of all, what a great picture of you showing Zac Attack...I, too, have been bitten by the "PUG BUG"....I have my first one (after losing my beloved Elmo (rescue mutt) this past April....We named our baby, "Bugs". I am hooked! he is sweet and funny and so naughty...Anyway, just wanted to send a note to you and tell you to stay strong and God Bless You....Love, Lauri Krey (I pray that you will beat this, my best friend, Jan, was diagnosed with uterine cancer and is going through chemo as well). Thank the Lord you have wonderful friends and loved ones around you.

  3. Hi Cathy,

    I think of you all the time and have been sending positive thoughts your way. Rome wasn't built in a day, the next report will be better! Many hugs for you and Kim....

  4. Hi Cathy,
    It was great to see you and Kim at Wenatchee and thanks so much for the grand tour of your log lodge. It such a beautiful welcoming place because you and Kim have put so much of yourselves in every detail. I love the owl in the corner. Stay strong and keep up with the good food everyone brings you and especially your liquids. Drink, drink, and flush all the toxins away. Take good care, and you too Diana.
    Hugs and Pugs,

  5. Hi Cathy,

    I am so sorry I didn't make it to Wenatchee, damn car. I would have loved to had visited with you. Stay strong, and do everything to get better.

    Hugs to you and Kim,


  6. Cathy, Please do not get discouraged. This is only one treatment..there are others. You are in my prayers every day. I love you and will pray for you until this is all behind you. You are in my thoughts and in my heart. If there is anything...anything at all, that I can do for you, I am here. I love you, ilene

  7. Cathy, Just received this blog from Susan. Think of you every Friday. I'm still cutting Zinnia's and roses. This year there's not many beans; I have no idea why. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Love, Eileen

  8. Kathy, you and I have never met, but I feel I know you through my dear friend Dorothy in Brookesville. My prayers have been with you since you started this journey, I wish you better days to come and much love and prayer. Penny in Ocala, Florida

  9. Hi Cathy,

    You know, I said your name to Petunia and when she heard it her eyes became WIDE and her tail started shaking VERY fast! I think about how YOU changed her life by driving to Milton and rescuing her, and to this day, she remembers you!

    I am praying for you friend -- just know that I'm here for you, anything you and Kim need, I'm just a phone call away.

    I love you much friend,


  10. Cathy,

    Keep your chin up; we are all pulling for you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Give Cypress a head pat for us.

    The Stanfields
